
Hello and welcome to GRDcorp.com.au

My name is Gavin Daniell, founder and managing director or GRD Corp Pty Ltd.

Thank you for visiting my site, which as you can see is still under construction, so please bear with me as this web building process is time consuming and requires constant funding…

The main reason for setting up my own website is purely so that you can get in touch with me.

Other than that, what is it that I actually do?

Well to answer this is complicated and varied but primarily I assist businesses to manage their staff training, in particular the paperwork that is required by Australian Law when it comes to state and federal funding.

Like you, as a small to medium business owner, you know what your primary skills are, you know how to make a profit, you know who your core clients are and you have systems in place to maximise your profits. You hire and fire staff as your business goes through its natural peaks and troughs but you may not be aware of the entitlements when it comes to staff training.

State and Federal Governments have incentives when it comes to staff training or when you put on an apprentice. Unfortunately the majority of businesses are not aware or not fully up to speed with what is and what isn’t available. More importantly what paperwork is required to ensure that you and your staff are receiving all of the benefits from these incentives.

This is where I can make a difference. My core business and skill set is understanding the maze of literature on this subject. I can assist your business to maximise your profits through the right training program for your staff and completing the correct paperwork to ensure these benefits are received by you and your staff.

There are certain industries that I specialise in, which I will be adding further details to my web site in the future. In the meantime if you are interested to see if I can assist your business, please email me on admin@grdcorp.com.au.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you


Gavin Daniell

Managing Director

E: admin@grdcorp.com.au

W: grdcorp.com.au

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Entrepreneurs are risk takers, willing to roll the dice with their money or reputation on the line in support of an idea or enterprise. They willingly assume responsibility for the success or failure of a venture and are answerable for all its facets.

Victor Kiam

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Awards & Honors

This is our awards and honors page.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nibh tellus, varius pharetra viverra eget, vehicula eget elit. Pellentesque consectetur tellus erat. Ut aliquet quam id enim dictum tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nisi lorem, adipiscing sed tempus dapibus, condimentum et turpis. In nisi ipsum, rhoncus pellentesque facilisis eu, egestas ac urna. Donec molestie elementum mi, eu rutrum erat semper at. In pulvinar libero sed odio scelerisque dapibus. Nunc quis sem libero, a commodo quam. Curabitur eros lacus, blandit mollis sollicitudin at, eleifend eget nibh. Curabitur tellus metus, facilisis at blandit iaculis, lobortis sed sapien. Sed tincidunt turpis nisi, non lacinia massa. Etiam semper, nibh sit amet viverra posuere, sem tellus cursus massa, ac fermentum odio magna non magna. Etiam vitae arcu eget ligula porttitor posuere. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla diam justo, tempus vitae gravida sit amet, consequat ut velit. Aliquam facilisis nisl vitae dolor rutrum placerat. In sem nibh, adipiscing at posuere non, ultrices id lectus. Phasellus leo justo, interdum nec ultrices a, posuere id turpis. Aenean rutrum sapien eu tortor consectetur sit amet dictum neque pulvinar.

Cras sit amet justo quam, vitae semper velit. Praesent elit nunc, tristique ac fringilla pellentesque, fringilla vel ligula. Pellentesque ut nulla lorem, molestie vulputate neque. Proin id libero massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur consequat erat vel augue commodo sed porta metus tincidunt. Nullam sit amet ante aliquam sem adipiscing condimentum et vitae metus. Nullam auctor gravida tortor, vel mattis leo commodo vel. Mauris ac leo tellus, a ultrices lectus. Donec malesuada lacus venenatis erat tempor pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam vehicula aliquet tortor, ut hendrerit arcu varius vel. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus vitae elit quis urna tempor molestie. Vivamus imperdiet vestibulum tincidunt. Cras porttitor dolor in dolor condimentum accumsan. Ut vitae volutpat arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Customer Testimonials

This is our customer testimonials page.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nibh tellus, varius pharetra viverra eget, vehicula eget elit. Pellentesque consectetur tellus erat. Ut aliquet quam id enim dictum tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nisi lorem, adipiscing sed tempus dapibus, condimentum et turpis. In nisi ipsum, rhoncus pellentesque facilisis eu, egestas ac urna. Donec molestie elementum mi, eu rutrum erat semper at. In pulvinar libero sed odio scelerisque dapibus. Nunc quis sem libero, a commodo quam. Curabitur eros lacus, blandit mollis sollicitudin at, eleifend eget nibh. Curabitur tellus metus, facilisis at blandit iaculis, lobortis sed sapien. Sed tincidunt turpis nisi, non lacinia massa. Etiam semper, nibh sit amet viverra posuere, sem tellus cursus massa, ac fermentum odio magna non magna. Etiam vitae arcu eget ligula porttitor posuere. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla diam justo, tempus vitae gravida sit amet, consequat ut velit. Aliquam facilisis nisl vitae dolor rutrum placerat. In sem nibh, adipiscing at posuere non, ultrices id lectus. Phasellus leo justo, interdum nec ultrices a, posuere id turpis. Aenean rutrum sapien eu tortor consectetur sit amet dictum neque pulvinar.

Cras sit amet justo quam, vitae semper velit. Praesent elit nunc, tristique ac fringilla pellentesque, fringilla vel ligula. Pellentesque ut nulla lorem, molestie vulputate neque. Proin id libero massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur consequat erat vel augue commodo sed porta metus tincidunt. Nullam sit amet ante aliquam sem adipiscing condimentum et vitae metus. Nullam auctor gravida tortor, vel mattis leo commodo vel. Mauris ac leo tellus, a ultrices lectus. Donec malesuada lacus venenatis erat tempor pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam vehicula aliquet tortor, ut hendrerit arcu varius vel. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus vitae elit quis urna tempor molestie. Vivamus imperdiet vestibulum tincidunt. Cras porttitor dolor in dolor condimentum accumsan. Ut vitae volutpat arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Our Services

This is our services page.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nibh tellus, varius pharetra viverra eget, vehicula eget elit. Pellentesque consectetur tellus erat. Ut aliquet quam id enim dictum tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nisi lorem, adipiscing sed tempus dapibus, condimentum et turpis. In nisi ipsum, rhoncus pellentesque facilisis eu, egestas ac urna. Donec molestie elementum mi, eu rutrum erat semper at. In pulvinar libero sed odio scelerisque dapibus. Nunc quis sem libero, a commodo quam. Curabitur eros lacus, blandit mollis sollicitudin at, eleifend eget nibh. Curabitur tellus metus, facilisis at blandit iaculis, lobortis sed sapien. Sed tincidunt turpis nisi, non lacinia massa. Etiam semper, nibh sit amet viverra posuere, sem tellus cursus massa, ac fermentum odio magna non magna. Etiam vitae arcu eget ligula porttitor posuere. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla diam justo, tempus vitae gravida sit amet, consequat ut velit. Aliquam facilisis nisl vitae dolor rutrum placerat. In sem nibh, adipiscing at posuere non, ultrices id lectus. Phasellus leo justo, interdum nec ultrices a, posuere id turpis. Aenean rutrum sapien eu tortor consectetur sit amet dictum neque pulvinar.

Cras sit amet justo quam, vitae semper velit. Praesent elit nunc, tristique ac fringilla pellentesque, fringilla vel ligula. Pellentesque ut nulla lorem, molestie vulputate neque. Proin id libero massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur consequat erat vel augue commodo sed porta metus tincidunt. Nullam sit amet ante aliquam sem adipiscing condimentum et vitae metus. Nullam auctor gravida tortor, vel mattis leo commodo vel. Mauris ac leo tellus, a ultrices lectus. Donec malesuada lacus venenatis erat tempor pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam vehicula aliquet tortor, ut hendrerit arcu varius vel. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus vitae elit quis urna tempor molestie. Vivamus imperdiet vestibulum tincidunt. Cras porttitor dolor in dolor condimentum accumsan. Ut vitae volutpat arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

B2B Mentoring

Hello and welcome to GRDcorp.com.au B2B Mentoring page.

My core business is to assist small to medium businesses maximise their profits through staff training and apprenticeships ensuring the employer and employee are obtaining all of the appropriate state and federal funding that may be available.

Occasionally I will embark on B2B Mentoring if the business involved specifically meets my skill set as to what they are trying to achieve, in particular, when you look at my About Us page you will realise there is a more holistic approach to learning that you may not be aware of or ever taught.

Understanding yourself is the first steps to being a better business person. I only conduct these sessions in a 1-on-1 environment that can either be done face to face or by phone/web conversation.

My core business generally comes at no cost as I am paid through my business partners but my B2B Mentoring comes with an hourly rate that is rarely discounted. Prices start at $550 including GST per hour.

To find out if these mentoring sessions fit your specific needs, then feel free to get in touch.

Thank you


Gavin Daniell

Founder and Managing Director

E: admin@grdcorp.com.au

W: grdcorp.com.au